Graduation Program at InspHired


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Graduation Program at InspHired

Getting a degree is great, but getting a degree does not guarantee you a place in the world of work. All graduates need to experience the world of work, long before they leave school. Exposure to the corporate world provides opportunities for graduates to build connections with professionals outside their usual family or school networks.

For this reason, InspHired Recruitment Solutions hosted a graduation program seminar, to give graduates from different backgrounds the opportunity to engage with the corporate world through career talks, mentoring opportunities, excursions to job sites that can be valuable and overall educate them on what await once they have completed their degree.

The Seminar

A CV is the first impression an employer gets of you and that is exactly what our Senior IT Consultant Tariro Mtawarira covered. She touched on the essentials that one needs to know about having an impressive CV and cover letter. She also also demonstrated how graduates can search for potential graduate programs that different companies are currently offering and how to go about applying for them.

Norma Banda, our Recruitment Manager provided insight on what graduates are supposed to do in order to better prepare for interviews throughout its various stages, to ensure that graduates put their best foot forward after they have been shortlisted.

Our Psychometrist/Recruitment Consultant Ashleigh van der Westhuizen touched on the importance of Psychometrics in corporate world and how/why it gets used to influence the recruitment or hiring process of candidates.

Sihle Bulunga, our Verify-Me Campaign Manager, introduced our in-house temp recruitment app Verify-Me, that aims at connecting hiring managers with suitable verified candidates all at their fingertips. He also gave insight on how graduates can sign up on our Verify-Me app to get verified and access to temp jobs.

We also had the honour of having the Head of HR and Training at Vox Telecom, Pam McLeod who enlightened the graduates on the corporate world from an HR perspective. She provided pointers on what HR managers look for in graduates’ profiles, how they evaluate graduate suitability during interviews as well as what graduates can do to ensure they stand out from the rest.

” I wish Universities made these type of seminars compulsory for their students, because I learnt more today about the world of work than I learnt in my 3 years of going to Varsity. I feel like the seminar has equipped me with what I need to get started in my work life journey”

– Israel (Uj graduate attendee)


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