Meet Joel Ilofo – The newest member of The InspHired Team


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Meet Joel Ilofo – The newest member of The InspHired Team


Talent human resources professional with a practical understanding of human needs . Highly effective at incorporating innovative skills to achieve business objectives, direct projects that improve efficiency while meeting deadlines and budget requirement.


I have completed a 4 years human resource management degree in commerce at Pearson Institute of Higher Education in 2016 and as well an honours degree in business management at Pearson Institute of Higher Education in 2017.   I have a significant expertise in Human resources, more specifically in recruitment and willing to pursue my career in human resources .


I believe in the automation of the Human Resources department which will help enterprises  to  save time and cost and allow employees to focus more complex tasks.  This explain my motivation to learn more about technology and human resources information systems.


Being a sportive person, I jog three times a week after work which is on Monday (6km) , Wednesday (6km), Saturday (12km)  and I play soccer every Thursday evening with my friends. Sport is a great way to reduce stress and to relax after a long day or week. I dedicate my  weekends to my family and my friends who are a source of motivation and  inspiration to me .


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