Are you using video to recruit? This is why you should.


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Are you using video to recruit? This is why you should.

In the last two weeks I’ve been reminded of the value of the service we provide as a company.  Not from feedback from a satisfied customer – although there are plenty of those – but by the amount of time it took me to fill an internal position.
After advertising for a week I received 86 applications and it took me the better part of a day to screen and reject 76 of the applicants.  I realised just how much simpler things would be if I had videos, of not only the candidates I reviewed, but the candidates I eventually interviewed. Of course it didn’t help that my team wasn’t able to screen and provide me with completed video profiles like we do for our clients, so this meant I had to do the entire screening process myself – I have learned to appreciate my team a bit more.

We’ve helped hiring managers reduce their screening time by up to 70% by simply giving them access to our Video Recruitment Portal.  Significant reminders of the value of this tool for all of us:

Spend less time screening candidates

Some CV’s simply don’t say enough about a candidate and some say too much, the question is how does one find the right balance? Having interviewed 10 candidates this past week, I knew very early on in the interviews who would be a fit for InspHired and who wouldn’t be.  Using videos would have saved me valuable time spent interviewing candidates I knew were incompatible within the first 10 minutes of the interview. Video recruitment allows you to focus your attention on the right candidates from the start.   Think of the countless hours you could save yourself and your hiring managers.

Access the candidate from anywhere

When we present candidates to HR, one of the challenges we face is that the hiring manager just doesn’t have the time to review the candidates and setup interviews.  With a Video Recruitment Portal, hiring managers and HR managers alike are able to review candidates from their mobile phones anywhere in the world and give real time feedback.  This has allowed our clients to eliminate delays in getting the process completed.

First impressions count

A top client of ours recently found themselves deadlocked at executive level after having interviewed 2 excellent candidates. Not being able to break the tie, I suggested they review the original videos submitted.  Having all the executives in the same room reviewing the one question we asked the candidates in the beginning of the recruitment process, we observed something incredible.  The candidate’s instinctive responses to initial questions, before they even knew who the client was, helped the client make the right decision.

Bringing it all together

Your time is money, don’t spend it in interviews with candidates who simply don’t fit your organisation’s culture.  I’ll certainly use this advice the next time I’m hiring.

Call us today.  We’re standing by to present our solution to you.


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