Meet Katlego Malebane

Meet our new consultant Katlego Malebane.

Katlego joined our team on the 5th of August with great enthusiasm and a hunger for knowledge. An aspiring lawyer with a huge heart…

Lessons from 10 Years in Recruitment

So earlier this year I turned 37. Never before has my age been an issue for me, in fact I’ve always been proud to share my age, but something changed this year. For about a …

Is your CV costing you that foot in the door?

As InspHired we have always been a tech forward company, however it had me thinking that, yes we do video recruitment so why does one still need a comprehensive CV?

As much as w…

Starting with Gratitude

I have always admired leaders who find the perfect balance between work and significant rest.  The ability to successfully take time out to rest cannot be underestimated w…

Is there value in using a recruitment agency?

Is there value in using a recruitment agency?

When I started working in recruitment several years ago, my mentor explained the value to me.  His exact words to me were: “Land…

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